v11.2 [Mar 31, 2018]
- D-Class Amplifiers with Stereo Playback capability.
- Extended Arduino library and application examples (Mega, Micro, Mini, Nano, Uno).
- 124 new AVR MCU models.
- Atmel Studio C compiler integration.
- New Sigma-Delta converters.
- Internet of Things (IoT) Interface and examples.
- 2-Line LCD display.
- Extended stress analysis for spice macros.
- Ripple calculation for given part of curves.
- Export of Diagrams in CSDF file format (Common Simulation Data Format).
- New hotkeys for easier use.
- Global parameter modification from with the Interpreter.
- Undo in Schematic Symbol Editor.
v10.1 [Nov 29, 2014]
HDL Circuit simulator
Microcontroller (MCU) Cicuit Simulator